Dealing with the terrible twos
I picked up an idea called the "Logic Method" from an audio MP3 file I found on the internet. Do you remember that old salesmen trick of asking a question with a question? Let's use our imagination with an example.
The other day I used this trick on my two year old and I want to share the whole conversation with you.
Allie: "I want to go outside daddy."
Daddy: "What do you want to do outside?"
Allie: "I want you to push me on the swing."
Daddy: "That sounds like fun, but let me ask you a question. When I push you on the swing is that playtime or work time?"
Allie: "That's playtime Daddy."
Daddy: "Honey, your room sure is a mess with all those toys all over the floor.When you pick up your room is that playtime or work time?"
Allie: "That's work time Daddy!"
By having this conversation with my two year old I allowed her to take ownership of both statements. It was much more difficult for her to argue with me about it later.
Daddy: "I tell you what, if you will follow me into your room and help me pick up those toys I will be glad to take you outside and push you in the swing."
Now this does not always work but with a little practice it made a huge difference with our daughter.
Using the "Logic Method" made a significant difference while dealing with the terrible twos. Of coarse this will only work if your toddler is old enough to differentiate work and play. If your child is to young for this method there is another technique called the distraction method for younger toddlers.
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